About Blue Whale

Shaman Humming Blue Whale

Shaman Humming Blue Whale works within visible and invisible layers, in collaboration with spirits. She uses the wisdom of shamanism to guide people and organizations on their path.

She has worked in psychiatry for 25 years, in various positions and for various agencies. She’s worked with young children, adolescents, adults and also prisoners.

The discovery of Shamanism was a homecoming for her. In 2002 she founded her Go-Walkabout, a practice for Shamanism and life path coaching. The HummingBlueWhale practice continues to evolve. Blue Whale herself receives teaching from Shaman SunCrow, for which she is very grateful. SunCrow is one of the most powerful shamans in the world.

Humming Blue Whale

Humming Blue Whale is the Spirit name I received from Shaman SunCrow in 2010. It is the keeper of the Earth’s history and all its secrets. All tribes are kept alive by the whale. She teaches you to find your unique note, which gives access to inner wisdom.
Shamanism is the source from which I work, in conjunction with Spirit and All That Lives. I offer the following:
.● Teachings
.● Healings
● Deeptox weeks
● Shamanic Quest
● Vital, Healthy weight
● Burnout and how to proceed?
● Meditative walking week
● Business development and coaching

It is a powerful energetic way to clear all your dimensions, such as old experiences, connections, emotions and bloodlines. It is mainly experiencing what it brings you. It gives limitless possibilities.
Your horizon will grow even wider. The sky is not the limit!

Humming Blue Whale

Humming Blue whale assists Sun Crow at the Ceremony by Grandmother Yantuu. Around every full moon, the Mongolian spirit Grandmother Yantuu is invoked and invited to speak through the body of shaman Sun Crow and to perform personal healings.

A beautiful ceremony that is done in a Mongolian way out of respect to the Mongolian grandmother. The evening begins with a sacrificial ceremony at Grandmother’s Sacred House. After everyone has made their sacrifice by means of hanging an offering scarf (khadag) with one’s heart’s wishes on the holy house, we will do a ritual dance (steps) in a circle. This dance is for personal power (hiimori). Grandmother is invited to inhabit Sun Crow by the shaman’s drumming and singing and the clapping of those present.

Grandmother Yantuu likes to answer general questions and she will answer them in her own way. She also does personal healings or gives help, directions to questions that you can ask her personally.

After Grandmother has left, there is soup for everyone.

This ceremony will start exactly at 7:40 PM. From 7.15 pm the gate will be open and the tea will be ready. (some ceremonies have a different starting time)